If you're tapped out, too stressed to watch the evening news, or at wit's end with people you work, live or deal with, you're not alone. Increasingly, we're working longer hours, connecting less, or at least not in meaningful ways, and often relying upon excesses of food, certain beverages or other habits to get by.
Reaching out to another, informed human to serve as a thinking partner is a courageous step. Throughout this site, you'll get a sense of how counseling or psychotherapy has helped men, women, adolescents and children. Separate links are devoted to minors and for couples/family therapy. Whatever option you choose, remember: Where you are today, isn't where you'll be in a few weeks, months, or years.
If you'd like to try a new path, please reach out via the contact link.
Counseling Helps With:
- too many worries, depressed mood or anger
- irritability, self-doubt, feeling taken for granted
- underachievement, not meeting milestones and personal goals or when one person over-functions for another
- peer/social conflicts, bullying, loneliness or work/career self-doubts
- trouble adapting to life transitions, illness, chronic pain, grief/loss, sexual or romantic difficulties
- few assertive or communication skills such that you please others, but not yourself
- habits that self-sabotage your success at home, work or with others
The Therapy Process
When stress hits critical mass, help does make a huge difference. Expressing yourself to a trained therapist, who can serve as your thinking partner as you unload what's made you fearful, frustrated or feeling however you do, means that you don't have to carry the burdens alone.
Clients complete a thorough intake form since physical health affects mental health and vice versa. We review paperwork briefly and discuss items you share during your first session that allows you to explain what brings you to seek counseling. You'll get to ask questions, typically receive resources and suggestions during or shortly after the first session, and schedule another time to meet, typically within a week.
It's best to meet weekly, at least as you get started to build some momentum as well as progress to help you feel better.
Loriann provided a confidential, positive and emotionally safe space to share relationship and parenting difficulties. Her competence, knowledge and strategies helped me to get back on track after some trying and tragic life events. I've given out her name to others of varying ages who struggled as well.
— mom helped by counseling sessions
How to Begin
If there's an available spot on the caseload, it could be yours. Please use the contact link on this website to reach out. Leave enough detail please of what brings you to seek sessions, whether others may participate, and if you have insurance you must use. Since I accept several benefits plans, I reserve space for some of those members.
I typically get back to potential clients either the same day or within two days. Email is indeed the best, fastest way to reach me. Because I have a mix of insurance-based and private-pay clients, my time does not allow free consults. This is why I ask for a snapshot of your presenting problems to determine how I might help, or refer you to someone if I cannot. An initial session or two helps us get to know one another and determine rapport. Many of your questions might also be answered using this website.
Again, this site's contact link puts you in touch with me more immediately. New clients, please use the contact link. I look forward to helping you reach a better place with your mental health and stress levels, in your life, career, and in your relationships.
Future Communication
If prospective clients do not hear back within two days and once you're established on this practice's caseload, please use my work email address: loriann.lcpc AT loriannoberlin DOT com
Note that I count on clients to remember their appointments. You will not receive a reminder nor a link for our telehealth sessions. I use an encrypted App. I'll give you the steps with your paperwork. You'll merely log onto the App; I initiate the audio/video call.
Texting during business hours is fine but ONLY for scheduling snafus or connectivity issues. Email and the confidential, HIPAA-compliant fax that I provide to you is preferred for the return of paperwork, insurance cards and any other information pertinent to your case. Confidential voice messages can be left at 301-461-8528, but I stress that email is normally better.