As the author of eleven non-fiction books, two novels, and countless articles, reading ranks high on my list of educational and self-help pursuits. Clients get more out of sessions if they read and practice new, interpersonal skills. Resources reinforce how to work with your thoughts and challenge yourself to new behaviors.
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Loriann's books Overcoming Passive-Aggression (2016), The Angry Child and some others are available at Barnes & Noble as well as Amazon and other outlets. Writing to Make Money: Short Projects is available in paperback from the author, as well as copies of Surviving Separation & Divorce. Some are available in eBook (Nook or Kindle).
click on Success Stories for reader reviews

Participating in the Amazon Affiliate Associates Program, Ms. Oberlin may earn a slight commission for any purchased products as the result of a clicked-through referral. Items suggested stem from client or personal experience and/or the reputation of the items, authors, companies themselves. Be a wise consumer, as well, and consider carefully items that you choose.

Wellness & Academic Resources
Caring for your mental and physical self means lifestyle changes, sometimes adding more Happy Light, especially from October to April. This helps with seasonal affective symptoms. So does exercise and movement. Of course, discuss the best form with your doctor. Yoga combines good breathing with stretching, relaxation and meditation, and is helped by proper accessories.
Sitting has been likened to a health problem; a balance ball chair forces slight movements to strengthen one's core. Here's a simpler type of exercise ball seat. If you spend a lot of time on your laptop, consider a fitness desk where you can exercise while you work.
Children benefit from yoga as well. This Mindful Yoga Set comes with an instructive mat and cards. Increasingly, kids have told how teachers are incorporating some yoga for better focus. Same too with this 6-piece fidget set to allow movement and focus.
As a HUGE fan of Fred Rogers and Daniel Tiger, this Storyteller allows a young child to select a story and has the accompanying book for adults to read to a child. Perfect, non-screen fun!
Balance sitting makes homework a bit more fun with this active seat shaped like a peanut. And lastly, many counseling sessions discuss organization for scholastic success, and this Case-It zippered, divided notebook helps.
misc resources for career and personal development
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