Payment Options

This practice accepts contactless payment methods that went into play during the global pandemic. These include PayPal, Mastercard, VISA, Discover or Zelle.

Clients are asked to furnish credit card information with their paperwork, as a backup payment method to keep an account current. This is rarely used, but could be for missed sessions or third-party contact necessary to clinically coordinate your case, with physicians and insurance care managers, for instance.

Payment is due the day before or the same morning of your scheduled appointment.

The vast majority of clients are immensely respectful of a therapist's limited time, and of their scheduled appointments. Sadly in nearly 20 years of practice, these policies have been instituted out of need, and they are communicated in greater detail, as a result, on your Informed Consent and the forms you sign in entering into a therapy agreement.

Late Cancel or Missed Appointments

CANCELLATION POLICY is 48 hours in advance of your appointment OR FRIDAY in advance of a Monday appointment. You will not receive a reminder. So take care writing this down to remind yourself of this obligation.

Should you miss or cancel a session within this 48-hour window, it cannot be billed to your insurance company; thus, you'll be responsible for full-fee charges (not your copay, but full fee).


True emergencies mean a death in immediate family, documented ER or hospital visit, or serious illness. Sports practice, games, work, sitter snafus are not exempt. Immediate family = spouse or domestic partner, a child, or a parent.

Add therapist to your contacts because she'll contact you if you are not signed into the telehealth platform. If you have a couples or family session, and one has a schedule conflict, the other person can do the session and save you paying a late-cancel fee. Again, thank you for heeding the policies spelled out in your Informed Consent.

What Insurance Does NOT Cover

Your insurance/EAP will not cover missed sessions. You'll have to pay ($164 for one hour or $95 for an EAP session, more if billed to your credit card). See above for detail.

Out-of-session time necessary for proper case coordination with physicians, school counselors, other treating providers, attorneys and anyone else is billed at my hourly rate, pro-rated.

Should a client require inpatient treatment, partial hospitalization or substance abuse treatment, there will most always be outside consult necessary for discharge or treatment planning. Effort is made to keep time as minimal as possible for financial reasons.

Outside of quarterly or yearly statements, administrative fees may apply for paperwork/invoicing because payment is due at time of service. Therefore, once again, please know your benefits as this knowledge empowers you as the consumer.


Please communicate your benefit details to your therapist

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