Success Stories

As of 2024, I have worked in this field 19 years, including my internship year in community mental health. We go into helping professions because we do wish to make a difference though we understand that so much is based upon a client's individual effort, motivation and willingness to do the work of change.

Over the years, often completely out of the blue, I've heard how rewarding and life-changing someone's counseling or coaching has been. Those are good days, indeed! Details changed slightly to protect privacy, using stock photos, I share here a few client perspectives and reader reviews. Throughout the pages of this website, you'll also spot similar testimonials.

“Every now and then your name comes up. Thank you for getting people to embrace new ways of thinking and problem solving.  I appreciate the lasting benefit of the work we did together!

As you promised, it has benefitted me in other relationships and in ways I could not have imagined. Not a day goes by that I don’t use some aspect of the things you taught me.” — mom of teenagers


“Your Surviving Separation & Divorce saved my life! Having read this straight after my husband left, it validated so much. Naturally every situation is different but Loriann writes with experience and compassion and I really appreciated her practical advice and hugs.” — a satisfied reader

“Last week my husband came home and out of the blue announced he was leaving me. I was shocked, devastated, angry, hurt…you name it. I read Surviving Separation & Divorce in two days and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m in for a rough time ahead but know that in the long run my life will be so much happier. I recommend this book to anyone facing the pain of separation or divorce.” — woman given Surviving Separation & Divorce as a gift during a personal crisis

Surviving Separation & Divorce has its own success story as it was featured in a major motion picture starring Natalie Portman titled The Other Woman.

Toward the end of a women's divorce support group, which Loriann once led, a member spoke of watching movies the weekend prior. With her eyes on the clock to end group at the right time, Loriann let the member go on. To her surprise, the member shared how happy she was to see the book they'd all discussed in the movie she watched Saturday, and then said, "I just couldn't wait to come to group tonight to tell you!" Loriann wasn't even sure that her publisher knew, but for sure, sent an email and hunted down the movie.

“In sessions, Loriann always gives ideas and useful tools to continue working each week. Whether it’s a book suggestion, an app, or a new perspective, it’s had a positive effect. I look forward to appointments and leave uplifted.” — a pleased client

Stack of Books

“A fan of Ms. Oberlin’s works, I bought Overcoming Passive-Aggression because no one else saw difficult behavior as a problem, but it felt offensive. This book validated my feelings showing what underlies the anger, not merely the actions. It's a solid resource untangling mixed signals.” — satisfied reader

“When first in our group, I felt so self-conscious. With the support of others and Loriann’s facilitating, we all share, learned from each other, and I felt my individual issues were addressed.  Supporting others really felt good. It was a very positive experience.” — former group member

Excellent comprehensive overview of passive aggressive behaviors, its causes, in youth and adults. I’m in HR organization development; this really helped my as I coach leaders, particularly who are more difficult and challenging.  — Amazon 

As an educator, this is extremely informative and important to understand students who are passive aggressive in the classroom. Students from elementary to college have hidden anger and it is imperative to detect and know symptoms to help students achieve academic, career and lifelong success. The recommended resources are also a plus. — Amazon

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Overcoming Passive-Aggression is the definitive guide to understanding and effectively managing life-sabotaging hidden anger. Chronically irritable, blaming, undermining, and downright toxic, the passive-aggressive’s concealed anger is destined to wreak havoc in relationships, in families, and on the job. Murphy and Oberlin shine the light of hope on this personality style showing the antidote to passive-resistance and malignant anger. This is the finest book on passive-aggression ever written, certain to be a game-changer for passive-aggressive people, those who love them, and the mental health professionals who struggle to help them. — Brad Johnson, Ph.D., professor USNA and Johns Hopkins University

We all could use extra cash, especially in challenging times. Have you ever considered short writing projects?

This is crammed with great ideas and sound advice to turn knowledge, experience, and resources you possess into brief, quick-to-finish, income-generating projects. In her succinct and well-organized book, veteran writer Oberlin explains not just WHAT you can write, but explains exactly HOW to proceed. —Robert Bidinotto, former journalist/successful novelist

WTMM Front Cover

I've had articles published, but I was looking for other projects to add to my portfolio. This book delivered. There are lots of ideas, a couple that stood out as something I would enjoy, and I wouldn't have thought of without the book. Loriann gets you motivated too. She delves into the psychology of what holds us back as writers and destroys our excuses, but in a good way.

I'm often asked to submit clips but never found how to do this. This book gives directions in detail, the only place I've seen this. If you want to write, to be creative, and succeed, I recommend Writing to Make Money: Short Projects.


“Tough read, but great advice in Surviving Separation and Divorce as it had good tips and guidance. Writing was very direct. I read it over a few months and even then I found myself not wanting to follow the advice as quickly as I should have. They are very tough steps to take, but the author knows what she’s talking about.” — 2014 online review

“I discovered your book which seemed to put all my thoughts onto paper. It was exactly what I was looking for, and what I needed. I bought several copies, and gave these books along with lyrics to the son ‘Coming out of the Dark’ to several women I knew…Thank you so much for writing Surviving Separation & Divorce. Your advice has brought comfort and confidence to women in need of both.” — from a reader in 2013

Note: Circumstances and attributions may have been changed to protect privacy

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